The Green Revolution: Norman Borlaug and the Race to Fight Global Hunger

Ray Offenheiser, William J. Pulte Director of the Pulte Institute for Global Development and Associate Professor of the Practice, reflects on Norman Borlaug’s work in an interview with PBS’s American Experience. 

“He was looking at this interesting convergence of environment, population and food security, and he was looking at it at a time when nobody else was thinking about these issues quite that way.”

Originally published at on April 3, 2020.

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The rise of female Sharia judges in India

The number of women “qazis” — who govern Islamic law — in India is growing, according to an article from Aljazeera. Ebrahim Moosa, a professor of Islamic studies at the Keough School of Global Affairs, weighed in on the matter.

“The practice of female [qazis] is novel in India, but the idea is not novel,” says Moosa. “There are no teachings in either the Quran or the prophetic tradition that prohibits women from being qazis. Even the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, known as Sayyida Aisha, performed and solemnised the nikah of several people.”

Originally published at on June 14, 2019.

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Where are the Indian female politicians?

When women win elections, does it inspire other women to run for candidacy or does it convince men to close ranks before the next election? Keough School Associate Professor of Economics and Global Affairs Lakshmi Iyer shares her take on the matter in this VoxDev interview.

Evidence shows that when more women are elected, it changes broader development outcomes due to their differing priorities. Yet women are almost unrepresented in parliaments around the world. In this interview, Iyer reveals that in India the challenge is that a woman winning a parliamentary candidacy election does not see an increase in female candidates in the following election.

Originally published at on May 17, 2019.

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