Career Development

Career Development

Launch your global career

The Keough School supports your professional development and guides you toward a career path where you can be a force for good in the world.

Our approach to professional development combines rigorous coursework with hands-on projects and immersive field experiences that provide on-the-job training. All students in the Master of Global Affairs program participate in global fieldwork, research, and development practice as part of the curriculum.

These experiences equip you with the tools you need to advance your career and connect you with resources in the Keough School and the wider Notre Dame community.

Career Outcomes


 96%Employed or pursuing further study

 of Keough School graduates were employed or pursuing further study within 6 months of graduation.*


* Reporting based on available data from master of global affairs classes  of 2019, 2020, and 2021. For yearly data, view our career outcomes by class year.

Where Keough School graduates work: 


  • Mercy Corps
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Catholic Relief Services
  • Eurasia Foundation
  • Maryknoll Office For Global Concerns
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Migration Policy Institute
  • Clinton Health Access Initiative


  • United Nations Population Fund
  • United Nations Foundation
  • The World Bank


  • Chemonics International
  • Meta
  • Boston Consulting Group


  • US Department of State
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan
  • NNSA Office of Nuclear Verification
  • Uzbekistan Ministry of Public Education
  • US Department of Justice

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