Coronavirus: What do we know so far?

Joshua Eisenmanassociate professor of global affairs, commented on the political climate in China surrounding the coronavirus epidemic in an interview on Aljazeera’s The Bottom Line. 

“So long as we’ve got politicians rather than doctors leading this effort, I’m concerned about the information coming out, and I’m concerned about our ability to respond properly to this epidemic.”

Originally aired on on February 12, 2020.

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The rise of female Sharia judges in India

The number of women “qazis” — who govern Islamic law — in India is growing, according to an article from Aljazeera. Ebrahim Moosa, a professor of Islamic studies at the Keough School of Global Affairs, weighed in on the matter.

“The practice of female [qazis] is novel in India, but the idea is not novel,” says Moosa. “There are no teachings in either the Quran or the prophetic tradition that prohibits women from being qazis. Even the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, known as Sayyida Aisha, performed and solemnised the nikah of several people.”

Originally published at on June 14, 2019.

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For many women in Colombia, peace never arrived

Three years after the Colombian government signed a peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, attacks on women by paramilitary forces still run rampant. An Aljazeera article on the subject cites a study from the Kroc Institute for International Peace, which found the Colombian government has fallen short of its promises to stop the abuses:

“Nearly three years after the peace deal, threats and attacks against women continue to plague the South American nation…[a] 2018 report by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame in the United States, found that the sections of the peace deal focused on gender have been the least implemented.”

Originally published at on May 09, 2019.

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