In The Media

Time to revisit trans-Pacific trade

December 11, 2020

Joshua Eisenman, associate professor of politics, analyzes China’s efforts to advance its global economic position and emphasizes the importance of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific […]

What can a chicken nugget from Russia tell us about technology, agriculture and human development?

December 2, 2020

In July, the global fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken announced a partnership with a Russian company, 3D Bioprinting, for the purpose of producing chicken […]

Lessons from Puerto Rico: inter-country relationships, crises, and human thriving

October 29, 2020

The relationship between inter-country integration and economic crises depends on how integration is implemented. Economic integration, understood as a high degree of ease in the […]

Effective policies for addressing economic inequality

October 6, 2020

“Give me a one-handed economist!” The demand came from a frustrated Harry Truman. The President complained, by way of explanation, “All my economists say, ‘on […]

On economic inequality and human dignity

September 9, 2020

If economic resources were distributed based on principles of equity and human dignity, would those in the top one percent hold twenty-two percent of the […]

Not just “business as usual”: Humanizing supply chains amid the pandemic

August 6, 2020

Just days into the closure of our campus and larger communities this past March, I had the opportunity to speak with Gustavo Perez Burlanga, senior […]