Lebanon’s tragic path from economic miracle to collapse

August 5, 2021

The most daunting challenges to a society’s well-being are typically complex and intertwined, and we often reduce them to one or two digestible variables. The […]

Upholding human dignity amid COVID-19 and economic collapse

July 28, 2021

“The largest economic contraction since 1709’s great frost . . .”; “The largest collapse since the 1930s . . .”; “The largest recorded decline of […]

In The Media

This is how irregular migration between Central America and the US would be fixed, according to an expert

June 24, 2021

In a conversation with GloboEconomía, Senior Associate at the Keough School’s Pulte Institute for Global Development Tom Hare highlights long term solutions to irregular migration from […]

Viewing corporate social responsibility through the lens of integral human development

June 11, 2021

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a heavily researched and much discussed topic—and a controversial one. Companies exist to provide products and services to customers; in […]

In The Media

Rebels with a business cause

May 11, 2021

Public Radio International features new research by Assistant Professor of Politics and Global Affairs Rachel Sweet. Sweet investigates business dealings between the Rally for Congolese […]

New technologies, introduced thoughtfully, can improve workers’ lives

May 11, 2021

You might think that technology will never replace your job. But how realistic is this belief? According to automation theories in economics, technological improvements lead […]

Their deaths shame us all: neoliberalism, COVID-19, and the banality of evil

March 16, 2021

In late March 2020, as the potential scale of the COVID-19 epidemic became clear, a televised conversation unfolded between Fox News host Tucker Carlson and […]