America is in deep trouble

George A. Lopez, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Professor Emeritus of Peace Studies, raises questions about US foreign policy towards Iran, and advocates that sanctions policy should be tied to intense diplomacy, in an op-ed published in The Hill.

“Seldom has there been a more critical time for Congress, the press, and the public to check such instincts and actions before they lead to continued military confrontations.”

Originally published at on January 9, 2020.

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China is the US-North Korea Problem

Joshua Eisenman, associate professor of global affairs, highlighted the relationship between the US, China and North Korea’s long-running nuclear crisis in an article published by The Hill.

“Today, we may have woken up from that particular illusion, but many prominent Democrats and Republicans in Washington still continue to cling to the fanciful notion that China will pressure Pyongyang to help bring about denuclearization.”

Originally published at on November 26, 2019.

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