This event has now concluded. A full-length recording is available below.
When violent conflicts break out, conventional peacebuilding often relies on top-down policies—a well-intentioned but inherently flawed approach. But what can policymakers learn from people who are most affected by violence? And what lessons do successful grassroots initiatives offer for the practice of peacebuilding?
Join us for a panel discussion featuring Séverine Autesserre, award-winning researcher and peacebuilder, and scholars from the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Together, they will discuss Autesserre’s new book, The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World, which explores these important questions. Drawing on interviews with more than 800 peacebuilders, warlords, survivors, political leaders, and citizens in many countries, Autesserre outlines effective strategies for achieving sustainable peace and overcoming the conditions that give rise to armed violence.
This event is presented by the Keough School of Global Affairs and its Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.
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