In The Media

China’s cultural crackdown: few areas untouched as Xi reshapes society

September 10, 2021

Michel Hockx, director of the Keough School’s Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, explores China’s tightening restrictions on popular culture. “On the one hand, […]

When Captain America goes global

September 2, 2021

Can Captain America be Black? Marvel’s recent Disney+ series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, tackles this question head-on. The story picks up from the […]

Lebanon’s tragic path from economic miracle to collapse

August 5, 2021

The most daunting challenges to a society’s well-being are typically complex and intertwined, and we often reduce them to one or two digestible variables. The […]

Disaster recovery in Haiti: a case for prudence and patience

July 20, 2021

In my first return to Haiti since well before the pandemic, I am again confronted with a familiar tension: my need to move quickly in a […]

Viewing corporate social responsibility through the lens of integral human development

June 11, 2021

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a heavily researched and much discussed topic—and a controversial one. Companies exist to provide products and services to customers; in […]

Listening, leveling and the demands of dignity

May 17, 2021

I love reading bedtime stories to my kids. Spending time sharing great children’s books (okay, and sometimes pretty mediocre ones that they somehow also love) […]