The Interconnectedness of Peace and Nature Conservation: A Global Policy Conversation

Keough School of Global Affairs Washington Office | Zoom Webinar
10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m., November 1, 2022

Location: 1400 16th St NW, Washington, DC

This event has now concluded. A full-length video recording and a transcript from the discussion are available below. 

The connections between environmental protection and regeneration, peace, and human security have become more evident in recent decades. According to International Alert’s latest report, today 70% of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries are at high risk of climate-related conflict. This signals the urgent need for action on climate issues. Climate change can exacerbate social drivers of conflict, and conflicts can undermine the resilience of communities and their ability to resist or adapt to climate change.

Such considerations raise important questions: How can we better combine efforts to protect nature and build peace? How do climate change and other environmental risks link to peacebuilding and conservation? Can environmental risk adaptation and capacity building also present opportunities for building peace between different communities and countries?

Join us for a panel discussion that will explore negotiating sustainable peace, explain the critical role of protecting natural resources and the environment, and offer a helpful blueprint for peacebuilders. The discussion will draw on the lessons of Colombia, a country that reached an historic peace agreement six years ago and has implemented aggressive environmental policies to protect its vast natural resources. 

Presented by the Keough School of Global Affairs and its Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Conservation International, Humanity United, and the US Department of State’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations. 

Photo: David Estrada Larrañeta.

Read the full transcript

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The Honorable Juan Manuel Santos

Former President of Colombia; Nobel Peace Laureate; Founder, Compaz Foundation; Distinguished Policy Fellow, Keough School of Global Affairs, Conservation International Arnhold Distinguished Fellow

Josefina Echavarría Álvarez

Director of the Peace Accords Matrix, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Michael Keating

Executive Director, European Institute of Peace

Daniela Raik

Executive Vice President of Field Programs, Conservation International

Colleen Crenwelge

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, US Department of State’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations

Melanie Greenberg

Managing Director, Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation, Humanity United (Moderator)