Sustainable Food Systems: A Panel Discussion

9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m., April 28, 2022

Location: 1400 16th St NW, Washington, DC  

What do sustainable food systems look like, and how can they help us feed our global population while also meeting climate targets? Hear from experts at this panel discussion organized by the Government of Ireland and the World Bank and supported by the Keough School of Global Affairs. 

RSVP to by Monday April 25.


Charlie McConalogue, T.D.

Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Dr. Juergen Voegele

Vice President for Sustainable Development, The World Bank

Tom Arnold

Irish Government's Special Envoy for Food Systems

Charlotte Hebebrand

Director of Communications and Public Affairs, IFPRI

Tara McCarthy

CEO, Bord Bia

Dr. Rob Vos

Director of Markets, Trade, and Institutions. Division, IFPRI