The Keough School of Global Affairs Strategic Plan 2030


The Keough School of Global Affairs was established in 2014 as part of the University of Notre Dame’s commitment to internationalization. The School’s nine institutes and its Global Policy Initiative bring multidisciplinary, professional, and regional expertise to research initiatives and programs oriented toward policy and practice outcomes.

Having achieved a critical mass of dedicated faculty and staff, and students seeking degrees in the Keough School, we now turn to the second phase in the evolution of Notre Dame’s policy school. Organized around four areas of established and emerging research excellence, the Keough School’s Strategic Plan 2030 sets forth a bold vision of a policy school with a difference, and specifies goals and objectives to be achieved over the next seven years.

The mission of the Keough School—to advance integral human development—is decisive for how we conceptualize research, teaching, policy and practice, advocacy and global partnerships. A concept central to Catholic social teaching in pluralism-affirming dialogue with other religious and secular traditions, Integral Human Development (IHD) refers to the state of a society in which the irreducible dignity of the human person and the cultural and spiritual as well as the economic and material requirements of human flourishing are central to political and social life and upheld by the rule of law.

To embrace “the development of the whole person and of each person” in their specific socio-cultural context requires that we incorporate not only the social sciences but also the humanities and law, engineering and science, and regional expertise.  As a policy school, we seek solutions to challenges in the areas of peace and violence, climate change, poverty, human rights, and governance.  As an IHD-informed policy school, we seek those solutions in ways that promote the common good and prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. This commitment to IHD carries concrete consequences for where we work, how we work and how we measure impact and success.

Advancing IHD requires that we meet fundamental demands with respect to how development, poverty-alleviation, environmental, peacebuilding and governance processes and practices are designed, implemented and evaluated. An overarching question informing the Keough School’s research and related activities going forward, then, is: What difference would an IHD approach make to these practices and policies?

Inspired by this mission and vision, the Keough School’s Strategic Plan 2030 sets forth three research, teaching, and partnership goals to enhance the global influence of Notre Dame’s policy school.