Recognition and Guarantees for the Protection and Participation of Ethnic Peoples in Peacebuilding: Special Report on the Monitoring of the Ethnic Perspective in the Implementation of the Colombian Final Peace Accord

Author: Barometer Initiative, Peace Accords Matrix at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Publication info: Kroc Institute, May 2020

Full text: Download this report at


Colombia’s Final Peace Accord is one of the most complex and innovative comprehensive peace agreements in history. One explanation for its pioneering character is the inclusion of an Ethnic Chapter, which contains essential considerations on the historical, structural, and disproportionate victimization that ethnic peoples suffered in the context of the Colombian armed conflict. This chapter in the peace agreement also includes principles, safeguards, and measures that seek to ensure non-regression of enjoyment of ethnic people’s rights, such as territorial rights, legal recognition and protection over resources, and prior, free, and informed consultation. This is the first report on the state of implementation of the transversal ethnic perspective conducted by the Kroc Institute’s Barometer Initiative, and it covers the period between November 2016 and May 2020. This report describes both the quantitative analysis designed by the Kroc Institute’s Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) program as well as the qualitative analysis of the prioritized areas for implementation of the ethnic approach.

Recommended citation

Barometer Initiative, Peace
Accords Matrix, Kroc Institute for International Peace
Studies. “Special Report on the monitoring of the
Ethnic Perspective in the implementation of the
Colombian Final Peace Accord,” (University of Notre
Dame, Notre Dame, IN and Bogotá, Colombia, 2020).
