Yong Suk Lee

Associate Professor of Technology, Economy, and Global Affairs

Yong Suk Lee

3171 Jenkins Nanovic Halls
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

(574) 631-7964

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Yong Suk Lee

Associate Professor of Technology, Economy, and Global Affairs


Technology and work; labor economics; AI ethics; AI governance; entrepreneurship

At the Keough School

Yong Suk Lee is associate professor of technology, economy, and global affairs in the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. He is a faculty affiliate of the Keough School’s McKenna Center for Human Development and Global Business and a faculty fellow of the Keough School’s Kellogg Institute for International StudiesPulte Institute for Global Development, and Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies.


  • Application, Ethics, and Governance of AI (undergraduate and master of global affairs course)
  • Quantitative Analysis and Lab (master of global affairs course)
  • Future of Labor (undergraduate and masters of global affairs course)

Research and Publications

Lee’s research focuses on the issues that intersect technology, labor, society, and governance. The new wave of technologies, such as AI and robotics, will have important implications for the economy. Lee’s most recent research examines how new technologies affect labor and firms, the societal and ethical implications of new technologies, and the governance of AI.

Recent Work

In the Media



Lee is program chair in technology ethics for the Notre Dame Ethics Initiative. Prior to coming to Notre Dame, he was a faculty member at Stanford University as the SK Center Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. Prior to Stanford, he was assistant professor of economics at Williams College. He earned his PhD in economics from Brown University, a master’s degree in public policy from Duke University, and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture from Seoul National University. Lee also worked as a real estate development consultant and architecture designer as he transitioned from architecture to economics.