Patrizio Piraino

Professor of Education, Labor, and Development; Director, Ford Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity

Patrizio Piraino

2130E Jenkins Nanovic Halls
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

(574) 631-5178

Google Scholar page

Patrizio Piraino

Professor of Education, Labor, and Development; Director, Ford Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity

On leave for 2024 fall semester


Global education; development and labor markets, with emphasis on drivers of social mobility and mechanisms of social exclusion

At the Keough School

Patrizio Piraino is professor of education, labor, and development in the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. He also is director of the Ford Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity in the Keough School’s Kellogg Institute for International Studies.


  • Policy Lab: Education in Global South (master of global affairs elective
  • Policy Evaluation (master of global affairs elective)

Research and Publications

Piraino is an applied microeconomist with a focus on education, labor, and development. He has extensive expertise on issues related to global socioeconomic mobility, having worked on data from several nations. In recent years Piraino has worked on experimental evaluations, developing significant expertise in randomized control trials. For example, he has collaborated with government agencies and the World Bank to perform impact evaluations of alternative public services to promote youth work-readiness and employment.

Piraino has spent many years of his career in South Africa, where he produced numerous articles on education and labor markets. He has published regularly in leading economics journals, as well as in several outlets across other disciplines.

He is currently working on projects ranging from the impact of innovative post-primary education programs using field experiments to cross-national comparative analyses of socioeconomic mobility.