There’s no better time to study peacebuilding.

Now, more than ever, we are seeing that this world is interconnected and fragile.


Lead the change you want to see with support from world-class policymakers and practitioners, expert faculty, and a global alumni network of 1,800 peacebuilders in nearly 100 countries.

Join the next generation of global leaders and agents of change.

Building on the program offered for 30 years by the
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.


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The most impactful lesson of my experience at the World Bank was understanding deeply how peacebuilding and environmental sustainability intersect

Maria Camila Posse Gaez, Master of Global Affairs ’19,

spent six months interning with the World Bank in Colombia as part of her Master of Global Affairs degree.

These six-month internships are part of an integrated field learning process that allows Keough School students to deepen their identity as reflective practitioners and expand their professional peacebuilding experience. Students work four days per week with a leading peace and justice organization and spend one day each week focused on independent field research.

In addition to her professional internship experience, Maria Camila took advantage of the wide array of opportunities at the Keough School’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Her coursework included Psychology of Peace, The Practice of Mediation, Geographic Information Systems, and a capstone research project exploring elite opposition to the peace agreement in Colombia.

“There can be no development without peace and no peace without development, and both need to be focused toward long-term sustainability,” Gaez says.


Master of Global Affairs highlights:

Patricia Ndagano leads a team meeting in the Keough School's i-Lab

Skills and methods classes focus on practical skills needed for success in the global workforce

Students from 30+ countries form a close-knit community of unparalleled diversity

Ghana Sofia del Valle Oxfam

All students receive funding to work with global organizations addressing real problems

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