The Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame welcomes your submissions to its policy brief, policy report, and teaching case series.


All publications accepted for consideration will undergo a double-blind peer review via the Keough School’s Editorial Board. Briefs, reports, and cases approved for publication as a result of the peer-review process will be deposited in Notre Dame’s public repository for digital publications, CurateND, where they will receive a DOI and be licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license (see below). All publications will also be featured on the Keough School publications page.

To submit any manuscripts for consideration, or for further information, please contact Gwendolyn Stansbury.


Submission documents:

For policy briefs and policy reports:


For teaching cases:

Please read the Submission Guidelines and use the Submission Templates (in Word). If you are a student author, please ensure you have reviewed the Criteria for Student-Authored Cases and liaised with your faculty advisor, who will need to recommend the case for submission into the Keough School series. A full submission package should include the Case, the Teaching Notes, and signed Waivers if any interviews were conducted for the case.

There are two types of waivers: one for individuals, one for organizations. Authors must obtain signed waivers from any individuals interviewed for the case. A signed waiver from an organization is needed only if the case is primarily about that organization, and if the organization provided documentation and/or access to multiple employees to be interviewed.

Note: There is no need for an organizational waiver if the organization has signed an MOU or contract with the Keough School to produce a set of case studies, since the MOU/contract should cover all issues in the waiver.


Additional information for all authors:

Rights and Permissions:

If you are using any figures or tables in a Keough School publication that you did not create specifically for the publication (i.e., figures or tables from other sources for which you do not own the copyright), you must obtain permission from the original publishers or copyright holders. If you are using an image that is not yours, you must also obtain permission (unless it is an online image for which re-use is allowed; you will need to check), and you must include proper attribution in the photo credit. Please review the Rights and Permissions document; the Keough School cannot publish any cases containing figures/tables/images for which the authors do not have the necessary permissions.



Publications that have been accepted into any of the Keough School series will be published via (and housed in) Notre Dame’s public digital publications repository, CurateND, where they will receive a digital object identifier (DOI). They will also be licensed under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0). Faculty and student authors will need to submit a CurateND Submission Agreement Form prior to publication.